City of Ocala Recreation & Parks

City of Ocala Recreation & Parks

The City of Ocala Recreation & Parks Cultural Arts is dedicated to enhancing our public spaces and transforming ordinary spaces into destinations for everyone to experience.  As part of this function, the division administers the Public Art Program, and encourages artists locally, nationally, and internationally to consider participation in the Program. The Program is City-wide and encompasses both public and private property.

The City of Ocala Recreation & Parks Cultural Arts is also responsible for maintaining over eighty artworks already installed as a part of the Program, as well as determining whether to accept proposed donations of artwork and curatorial work associated with the collection.

The City of Ocala has regional recognition and is beginning to gain national and international recognition for its Public Art Collection, which continues to grow as a result of private and public investment. In addition, the City continually receives unsolicited and solicited proposals for exhibition, donation, or purchase/commission of public art.