PAW Arts, LLC is a public art consulting firm that works with communities to develop systems for the creation and maintenance of public art. With over 15 years of experience, Patricia Walsh, CEO + Founder of PAW Arts, can help you create guidelines and procedures for your community’s public art program. Public art is a powerful expression of our values, cultures, and histories. PAW Arts can help your community create a public art experience that is meaningful, engaging, and accessible to all. Community- and Equity-Centered Public art reflects the community, and so should its management and development. PAW Arts delivers services that equitably reflect community values and cultures. Services PAW Arts offers a wide range of services to help communities with all aspects of their public art programs, including: • Advising and Training: Work with your staff and community members to understand best practices in the development of public art projects and programs. • Policy and Systems Review: Review current policies or create new policies, map administrative systems, and provide recommendations for effective public art project development. • Research and Evaluation: Benchmark similar programs, learn from your community and evaluate how well a public art initiative achieved its goals. • Collection Management and Assessment: Review current management processes, provide an initial review of completed artworks to understand the current state of needs, and devise the next steps in caring for your public art collection. • Project Development: Assist with the initial development of your public art project, from identifying goals, connecting with the community, building partnerships, and selecting the artist. • Speaking Engagements: Patricia Walsh can present the importance of public art in communities, discuss best practices and current trends, and facilitate discussions on the role public art can play in your community. Contact PAW Arts today to learn more about how we can help you!

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