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Premium Listing

Premium Listing


Premium service of artist selection for one project.



Premium service designed for an art agency or business

Introducing our premium service tailored for art agencies and businesses. Our innovative approach combines best industry practices, efficient time management, and a deep understanding of artists’ needs. With just a simple form submission by projet managers, we create compelling calls to artists (CTA) on their behalf. Our web pages are optimized for SEO, ensuring easy discovery on popular search engines like Google.

Unparalleled artist database

With over 6 years of experience in mural production, we have vetted an exceptional database of world-class muralists, sculptors, graphic and light designers. We go the extra mile by actively promoting your projects to relevant artists at no additional cost. Our database provides comprehensive information, offering deep insights into the project’s environment and scale. It includes images, videos, maps, floor plans, requirements, and even immersive 3D virtual tours!

Dedicated art agency profile pages

Each project features detailed information about the art agency and is accompanied by a linked page. Showcase your agency’s identity, introduce yourself to artists, and provide links to your current and completed projects. Artists can easily engage in direct chat with a representative for any inquiries they may have. Once a project is completed, we transform your CTA into a promotional block that can be easily shared and stored on your agency’s page.

Effortless artist search, comparison, and selection

Our exclusive suite of features includes powerful search, comparison, and related artist tools. We meticulously review artists’ information and present it to you in a standardized, comparable format. Whether you require specific educational backgrounds, relevant experience, or any other factors from an artist’s CV, we handle the legwork for you. Our artist evaluation process streamlines the selection process like never before, making it effortless for you to find the perfect match.

Assistance with artist selection processes

Experience the advantages of involving an impartial mediator to assist with your artist selection processes. At Monochronicle, our team serves as an independent agency, offering a range of benefits that contribute to the credibility, objectivity, and public perception of the selection process. By engaging our services, you can instill confidence in the fairness and integrity of the entire process, not only among artists but also among stakeholders and the broader public.

Additional information

Number of listings


Applications from artists


Artist notification




Artist rating tools




3 reviews for Premium Listing

  1. Derek Gale

    We were very impressed with the ease of service through Monochronicle. The choices we received were aligned with our goals for the project and the voting process and ability to share submissions was flawless. The artists we ended up choosing were fantastic, easy to work with and executed the project above and beyond our expectations.

  2. Sara Culpepper

    The services offered by Monochronicle made the process of matching our project to a qualified artist seamless. We were impressed not only with the professional quality of work, but also with the number of artists that responded. In addition to expediting the process of searching for talent, Monochronicle helped cast a broad net for artists that would otherwise be out of reach.

  3. Leira Cruz Caliz

    I enjoy working with Monochronicle. The amount and quality of artists that have been applying for calls has been greater than ever. It’s easy, simple, fast and covers everything we need in one single space. 10 stars!

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